Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Day

We've spent the last few days amongst a group of friendly Canadians in Tonawanda, outside of Buffalo and spitting distance from the Niagara River.  Tomorrow we leave for Dunkirk NY as an interim stop on the way to Erie PA.  I will miss New York, where we've spent more than one month!

Our next adventures will be in Lake Erie.  More soon, take care!

Sunset at Medina Canal Harbor

On the way to Tonawanda, lush farmland along the canal

Also large orchards...

We were lifted in the last two Erie Canal locks (#34 and #35
are side-by-side) in Lockport.  This is as we were leaving
lock 35.

In Tonawanda we've seen hundreds of boats.  They raft up
sometimes four boats deep against the wall.  We enjoyed
concerts on Wednesday and Saturday nights.

We took the city bus to Niagara Falls ($5 for me and $2.50 for Dave, but
we might have been able to walk there faster...)

We walked over to Canada on the Rainbow Bridge.
US on the left, Canada on the right.